Submit an Abstract

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Submission of abstracts for the XXIIIrd International CALL Research Conference is now open!

Please ensure that you follow the guidelines as stated on the conference website. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words excluding references. You will also need to explicitly address how the research presented represents a motivated transition from prior work in terms technology, practice, content, theory, and/or research methodology (maximum 200 words). Abstracts that do not do this will not be considered.

Submission Types:

  Regular Presentation: Includes empirical data and/or theoretical discussion demonstrating a sufficient level of academic rigor.

  Poster Presentation: A large A0-sized poster must be displayed during the conference. Time will be allocated for presenters to be present at the poster to explain it as required. It must include empirical data and/or theoretical discussion demonstrating a sufficient level of academic rigor.

  Postgraduate Presentation: Includes empirical data and/or theoretical discussion demonstrating a sufficient level of academic rigor. The first-named presenter must be enrolled in a postgraduate degree program at the time of the conference and present research emerging from research conducted during the program.

  Postgraduate Poster Presentation: A large A0-sized poster must be displayed during the conference. Time will be allocated for presenters to be present at the poster to explain it as required. Time will be allocated for presenters to be present at the poster to explain it as required. It must include empirical data and/or theoretical discussion demonstrating a sufficient level of academic rigor. The first-named presenter must be enrolled in a postgraduate degree program at the time of the conference and present research emerging from research conducted during the program.

Enter Submission Details:


Submission Type: *

*Note that presenters of a Postgraduate Presentation will be considered for the Jaclyn Ng Shi Ing Award Award.

Relevance to Theme:

To help match submissions to reviewers and sessions, please select subtheme(s) most applicable to your submission. Topics outside the list can also be considered as long as they are relevant to the conference theme. You may choose up to two subthemes: *

Technological Innovations Promoting Inclusivity
Bridging the Digital Divide
Sociocultural and Socioeconomic Impacts in CALL
Culturally Responsive CALL Practices
Support for Underrepresented Groups in CALL
Inclusivity in Design and Implementation
Empirical Research on CALL and Equity
Policy and Practice in Inclusive CALL
Preservation of Minority or Indigenous Languages

Presenter 1


Please add any additional presenters below:

Please confirm that there are no errors in the information above, as submissions cannot be revised once that have been submitted. If there are no further changes, click on 'Submit Abstract' below. Please note that this could take up to 15 seconds to process, so please do not click the button multiple times as it will result in multiple submissions being made.

Please check for updated information about the conference.